Ferrocemento sheet metal is a super thin stoneware tile perfect if you want to impress your guests and if you love to be daring and personalise your home. The surface has a predominantly rust-coloured colour that stands out strongly against a white background. The optical effect it conveys is certainly lively. The copper colour warms up the room, but at the same time, the white background lightens the effect of the rust.
This tile is perfect if you want to customise a part of the bathroom wall covering or the walls of the living room, combining it with tiles in a neutral, uniform colour.
The super-thin format is highly recommended if you need to pave over an existing floor: this way the thickness you will create will not be so great.
The matt and smooth surface allows for extremely easy cleaning: you can use the normal detergents you use every day or clean them with steam. Moreover, dirt will be practically invisible: the play of colours will hide it perfectly.